How to build a gallery wall

Creating your own gallery wall can be challenging. On the one hand, the size of the picture wall should suit the chosen room and the frames should hang straight and neat in a well thought-out constellation. Combining different sizes of frames and creating a neat gap between them can be difficult and there are many details to consider to create a good look. Join us as we guide you through the process of creating the perfect gallery wall!

So how do you build a gallery wall?

1. Planning
Start off with a good plan. Before building your gallery wall, you need to know how much of your wall will be covered, what size of frames you’re going to use, how many frames you’re going to use and what space you want between each frame. A good idea is to draw on a piece of paper and test out different solutions that you might like and think will work for your home.

2. Taylor to the room
The size and style of the photo wall is often determined by where it is placed. Standing frames can be placed nicely on a picture rail or chest of drawers, you can advantageously place frames against the wall and blend them with ornaments to form a beautiful still life. If the frames are hung above a piece of furniture, such as a couch in the living room, you get a good balance by starting from the width of the furniture and centering the frames above. A guideline is to hang the posters so that they are further away from the ceiling than the furniture below. For the best balance, the distances between the frames should be based on the furniture it hangs above. If the gallery wall is large in relation to the furniture, the distances should be small and vice versa.

3. Find out all the important measurements
Measure how much space you have on your wall. How wide can the gallery wall be, and how tall? Your space might have limitations, but it can also create possibilities. When you know more or less how much space you have, you may use one of our templates for gallery walls to easily choose a ready constellation you like and that will fit your space perfectly. All of our templates have clear measurements showing the width and height of your gallery wall. 

4. Adapt to your space
Size after space. A big room gives space for a big gallery wall, a small room has less space for a gallery wall. The bigger the room, the more wall space, and you can give each frame more space to breathe. 

5. Find the harmony between posters and frames
If you have different styles and colours on your poster motifs, it is recommended to focus on uniform frames to create a harmonious impression. If you have motifs in one style, such as only black and white posters, you may want to mix frames of different varieties. For example, it looks great to combine black and white wooden frames.

6. Choose motifs!
Now for the fun part – choosing wonderful motifs! In Poster Mansion's range of posters you'll find something for every taste and style and the choices are almost endless. Dare to vary and combine different types of motifs, but try to keep a common thread running through your choices. One category that is easy to work with is black and white posters, which can easily be combined with color posters from other categories such as abstract, nature or photo art. A good tip is to also select a number of text posters that break up the mass of photos in a good way.

Good luck!